The Developer’s Handbook is the guide to submitting a request for financing the construction, acquisition or restoration of apartments to help ensure that all Rhode Islanders can afford a safe, healthy home. Priority will be given to proposals that revitalize neighborhoods with aging housing stock, serve families or build apartments in areas where affordable rental homes are hard to find. Proposals must serve households earning no more than 60 percent of area median family income.

To view the Developer’s Handbook, see the links below. You may save or download the first ten sections of the handbook as PDFs. Section 11 is an Excel file with multiple tabs.

Introduction & Table of Contents (PDF)

Section 1: Resources (PDF)

Section 2: Funding Process (PDF)

Section 3: Underwriting Guidelines and Development Standards (PDF)

Section 4: Management And Insurance Guidelines Cover Page (PDF)

Section 5: Preservation Program (PDF)

Section 6: Application Cover Page (PDF)

Section 7: 2025 Qualified Allocation Plan (PDF)

Section 8: Low Income Housing Tax Credit Compliance Manual Cover Page (PDF)

Section 9: Program Bulletins (PDF)

Section 10: Statistical Data and Forms (PDF)

Section 11: Proforma Cover Page (PDF)

Section 12: Term Sheets Cover Page (PDF)

Section 13: Cost Certification

Section 14: Assisted Living (PDF)


Anne Berman