2 events found.
Verifique si su residencia actual se encuentra dentro de un distrito censal elegible.
Solo los residentes del distrito censal 405 son elegibles para el programa piloto FirstGenHomeRI.
El mapa de la izquierda muestra la región elegible aproximada.
¿No está seguro si su dirección es parte de la región elegible?
Escriba su dirección a continuación para averiguarlo (incluya el número de calle, el nombre de la calle, Newport, RI).
Check whether your current residence is located within an eligible census tract.
Only residents of census tract 405 are eligible for the FirstGenHomeRI pilot program.
The map on the left shows the approximated eligible region.
Unsure if your address is part of the eligible region?
Type in your address below to find out (Include street #, street name, Newport, RI).
Check whether your current residence is located within an eligible census tract for application prioritization.
Central Falls | 44007010900, 44007010800 44007011100, 44007011000 |
Pawtucket | 44007016000,44007015300, 44007015100, 44007015200, 44007015500, 44007016600, 44007016700, 44007017000, 44007017100, 44007016100, 44007016400 |
Newport | 44005040500, 44005041100 |
East Providence | 4400701010100, 44007010501 |
Type in your address below to learn if you are in the targeted area. (Include street #, street name, city, RI).