2021 Report on Letters of Eligibility for Comprehensive Permits and the Production of Low- and Moderate-Income Housing

RIHousing is charged with the issuance of LOEs to applicants who seek to follow the comprehensive permit process under the Act (R.I.G.L. Sec. 42-55-5.3(a)).


RIHousing Development Activity and 8% Tax

R.I. General Laws § 45-53-15 requires RIHousing to report annually on RIHousing financed development and preservation activity as well as information on tax payments made by affordable housing developments to municipalities pursuant to § 44-5-13.11 of Rhode Island’s General Laws.


Neighborhood Opportunities Program Report (NOP)

The state budget annually directs RIHousing to provide information on our investments originally funded through the state’s Neighborhood Opportunities Program.


Mortgage Disclosure Report

Rhode Island General Laws § 42-55-22.1 requires RIHousing to annually report on the details of the loans the corporation has made or participated in during the calendar year in each census tract in the state.

Affirmative Action and Fair Housing Policy Report

Rhode Island General Laws 42-55-22.2 require RIHousing to annually report on the measures that RIHousing has taken to affirmatively further the policies of Chapter 37 of title 34 (Rhode Island Fair Housing Practices Act).


 Projecting Future Housing Needs