Board Meeting


Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 9:30 am

A Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of RIHousing is scheduled for Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will be held at the main office of the Corporation, 44 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903, Conference Boardroom.

The meeting can also be accessed by interested members of the public via telephone conference call


  1.  Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting held on November 10, 2021 

  2. Chairman’s Remarks 

  3. Executive Director’s Review of Recent Activities and Trends 

  4. Firm Approval of Financing for Douglas Manor Apartments (Providence) 

  5. Firm Approval of Financing for Hardig Brook Village Apartments (Warwick) 

  6. Firm Approval of Financing for Indian Run Village Apartments (Wakefield) 

  7. Firm Approval of Financing for Chateau Clare Apartments (Woonsocket) 

  8. Firm Approval of Financing for Gatewood Apartments (North Smithfield) 

  9. Firm Approval of Second Mortgage Financing for DeAngelis Manor (West Warwick) 

  10. Approval of Prepayment for Blackstone Falls Apartments (Central Falls) 

  11. Firm Approval of Funding Awards for Zero Energy for the Ocean State (“ZEOS”) Demonstration Program 

  12. Approval of the 2022 Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program and Allocation of Private Activity Bond Authority 

  13. Approval of Engagement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Consultant 

  14. Approval of Ethics Policy 

  15. Approval of Authority to Issue Homeownership Opportunity Bonds -$250,000,0000 

  16. Closed Session Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-5(a)(1) to Discuss the Job Performance and Compensation of the Executive Director 

  17. Approval of Executive Director’s Compensation 

Pursuant to the Open Meeting Law, any additional items added to the agenda by a majority vote of the members shall be for “informational purposes only and may not be voted on except where necessary to address an unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action to protect the public or to refer the matter to an appropriate committee or to another body or official.”


  1. Call 1-866-225-4944
  2. Enter the conference ID number: 1341,
    then press #
  3. If the meeting has not started yet, you will be asked to stay on the line and will hear music until the meeting starts. If the meeting has started, you will join the meeting in progress.

If you would like to participate and require reasonable accommodations, please contact Rhode Island Relay 711 or call Marilena DiCristofano at RIHousing at 401-457-1135 or