Board Meeting
Thursday, April 20, 2023 @ 9:30 a.m.
A Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of RIHousing is scheduled for Thursday, April 20, 2023 @ 9:30 a.m.
The meeting will be held at the main office of the Corporation, 44 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903, Conference Boardroom. The meeting can also be accessed by interested members of the public via telephone conference call.
- Approval of Minutes of Board Meeting held on March 16, 2023
- Remarks of Presiding Commissioner
- Executive Director’s Review of Recent Activities and Trends
a. Update on Homeownership Activity
b. Update on Development Activity
c. Update on Agency Events - Firm Approval of Financing for Marvin Gardens Apartments (Providence)
- Approval of Acquisition and Revitalization Program (ARP) Funding Awards
- Authority to Adopt Multi-Family Development Bond General Resolution and Supplemental Resolution for Series 2023 – $100,000,000
- Approval of Engagement of Consultant for 2023 Continuum of Care Program Competition (Housing Innovations LLC)
- Approval of Pre-Qualification of Municipal Technical Assistance Firms
- Approval of Engagement of Consultant for the Update of Design and Construction Guidelines (Utile, Inc.)
- Approval of Engagement of Coordinated Entry System Evaluation Firm (HCH Enterprises, LLC)
- Call 1-866-225-4944
- Enter the conference ID number: 4011341,
then press # - If the meeting has not started yet, you will be asked to stay on the line and will hear music until the meeting starts. If the meeting has started, you will join the meeting in progress.
If you would like to participate and require reasonable accommodations, please contact Rhode Island Relay 711 or call Marilena DiCristofano at RIHousing at 401-457-1135 or