Municipal Technical Assistance Program: Municipal Projects

Table below lists the various municipal projects that have been supported through the Municipal Technical Assistance Program.

Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP) > Project Summaries

Last Updated: 1.2.2025


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Municipality Consultant Project Description MTAP Eligible Activity Funding Amount Project Status Anticipated Project Completion Date
Barrington Libra Create documents to update local regulations and ordinances to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $47,500 Complete 4/30/2024
Barrington Stantec Re-write of Comprehensive Plan Housing Element to bring it in alignment with new state enabling legislation and Barrington?s housing needs. The project will include a housing needs assessment, an infrastructure assessment, and public engagement. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $100,000 In progress 9/30/2024
Bristol Horsley Witten Update Comprehensive Community Plan Housing Element and align the chapter with new state enabling legislation; develop new housing strategies, including use of fee-in-lieu fund, with public input; and audit Zoning Ordinance. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $85,100 In progress 5/16/2025
Burrillville Horsley Witten Update local subdivision and land development regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $31,500 Complete 4/30/2024
Central Falls HWRI Update local development regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $100,000 In progress 6/30/2024
Charlestown Weston & Sampson Assessment of where additional limited housing is appropriate, review of current residential zoning regulations, and proposed amendments to zoning ordinance. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements $95,500 In progress 10/31/2024
Coventry Weston & Sampson Traffic peer review of proposed development at Coventry Crossing. Infrastructure capacity assessment $10,100 In progress 1/1/2025
Coventry Horsley Witten Engineering review the existing conditions at the Woodland Manor Pump Station for connection of future development for Woodland Manor Phase 3 and Coventry Crossings as well the connection of these developments to the existing sewer system. Infrastructure capacity assessment $80,000 In progress 3/30/2024*
Coventry, Lincoln, Cumberland Weston & Sampson Coordinate work to update local development policy to address new state enabling legislation working with the towns of Coventry, Cumberland, and Lincoln. Updating land use and permitting requirements $298,450 In progress 6/30/2024
East Greenwich Horsley Witten Update Comprehensive Community Plan Housing Element and Affordable Housing Plan, align the chapter with state enabling legislation, get input from the public on housing goals and policy, and audit of existing Zoning Ordinance. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $56,000 In progress 9/30/2024
East Providence Libra Create documents to update local regulations and ordinances to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $100,000 In progress 12/31/2024
Exeter Libra Create documents to update local regulations and ordinances to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $100,000 In progress 5/31/2025
Foster Libra Create documents to update local regulations and ordinances to address new state enabling legislation. and develop a low and moderate-income housing strategy. This strategy will include prospective areas for LMI housing development. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements $65,000 Complete 6/30/2024
Glocester Weston & Sampson Update local land development and subdivision regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $100,000 In progress 4/30/2025
Jamestown Horsley Witten Update local subdivision and land development regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $34,500 Complete 5/30/2024
Middletown Stantec Develop a Comprehensive Plan Housing Element and Action Plan including strategies to meet Middletown?s housing goals. This will involve public engagement and housing supply and gap analyses. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $99,494 In progress 9/30/2024
Narragansett HWRI Provide education to clarify housing studies and explain amended zoning and subdivision regulations, and facilitate methods to allay concerns about development of different housing types, including subsidized housing. Public engagement and education $33,100 In progress 9/30/2024
Narragansett Weston & Sampson Evaluate the potential for existing underutilized or vacant property to support higher density development for low and moderate-income housing. Infrastructure capacity assessment $100,000 In progress 11/30/2024
New Shoreham Weston & Sampson Update local land use regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Identify updates and land use strategies that result in an increase of affordable housing on Block Island. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements $93,320 In progress 6/30/2024
Newport Libra Use GIS data to identify possible sites for residential development in a housing buildout analysis; updates to Comprehensive Plan Housing Element; and amendments to Zoning Ordinance to increase workforce housing. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $100,000 In progress 3/31/2025
North Providence Weston & Sampson Update local Zoning Ordinance and land development and subdivision regulations to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $98,450 In progress 6/30/2024
North Smithfield Innes Update local subdivision and zoning ordinances to address new state enabling legislation. This will involve community workshops, interviews and/or focus groups. Updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $100,000 In progress 8/30/2024
Pawtucket Libra Update local land use regulations to address new state enabling legislation; create an affordable housing implementation plan to facilitate the creation of 40 units over the next 10 years. This will include a buildout analysis and identification of future housing sites. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements $100,000 In progress 6/30/2025
Portsmouth Weston & Sampson Update local land development and subdivision regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Review Portsmouth?s regulatory framework for development applications. Updating land use and permitting requirements $99,620 In progress 6/30/2024
Providence RKG Analysis to determine the financial feasibility and fiscal impact of an inclusionary zoning policy. This will include recommendations on whether the proposed ordinance is the most effective approach. Developing model zoning ordinances $63,000 In progress 8/31/2024
Richmond Stantec Infrastructure capacity assessment along Wyoming/Route 138 infill and growth area. The project will include expanding upon the housing opportunity assessment and conducting multi-modal transportation and circulation analysis and infrastructure assessments. Infrastructure capacity assessment $100,000 In progress 9/30/2024
RIHousing Weston & Sampson 2023- Zoning templates and guidance in response to updated housing legislation Updating land use and permitting requirements $137,455 Complete  
RIHousing Weston & Sampson 2024 Zoning templates and guidance in response to 2024 updated housing legislation Updating land use and permitting requirements $54,450 Complete 9/9/2024
Scituate Weston & Sampson Update local subdivision and land development regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Will streamline regulations to make them more user friendly and simplify the development application process. Updating land use and permitting requirements $100,000 In progress 9/30/2024
Smithfield Weston & Sampson Update and improve local zoning and subdivision regulations to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $74,200 In progress 8/31/2024
Tiverton Weston & Sampson Update local zoning ordinance and land development and subdivision regulations to address new state enabling legislation; implement action items related to diversifying and encouraging appropriate housing density and production from Tiverton’s Comprehensive Plan. Updating land use and permitting requirements $ 100,000.00 In progress 10/31/2024
Tiverton Weston & Sampson Develop a hydraulic study of fire districts to review and validate water distribution demands/approvals, identify potential deficiencies, and recommend improvements so the water infrastructure of both fire districts can continue to support additional housing development. Infrastructure capacity assessment $ 100,000.00 In progress 11/30/2024
Coventry Weston & Sampson Regulatory audit of Zoning Ordinance to identify areas to update and revise to improve clarity and ease of understanding. Updating land use and permitting requirements $ 99,380.00 In progress 1/31/2025
Warren Weston & Sampson Develop a Housing Needs Assessment to understand overall housing needs, especially affordable housing, and consider a more regional perspective. This will include methods to close the gap between housing stock and new units needed. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $ 98,600.00 In progress 8/15/2024
Warwick Weston & Sampson Update Comprehensive Plan Housing Element with a focus on housing, land use, economic development, and open space to improve access to workforce, low and moderate-income, and affordable housing in Warwick. Needs analysis; updating land use and permitting requirements; public engagement and education $ 53,040.00 awarded 9/30/2024
West Warwick HWRI Update local development regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $ 100,000.00 In progress 11/30/2024
Westerly Camoin

Housing needs assessment and market study, this will involve stakeholder interviews, review of existing housing reports, and a community housing needs survey.

Attch. 2: Infographic

Needs analysis; public engagement and education $ 97,966.00 Complete 5/31/2024
Woonsocket Horsley Witten Update local subdivision and land development regulations and the Zoning Ordinance to address new state enabling legislation. Updating land use and permitting requirements $ 34,500.00 Withdrawn from program 2/1/2024

TOTAL AWARDED: $3,285,775.00


*requested an extension